Contact Us
705-728-9802 ext. 47888
Manager: Betty Anne Whelan
Phone: 705-728-9090 ext. 47640
If you have any questions or concerns, please call 705-728-9802 ext.47888 to speak to a nurse Monday to Friday between 7a.m. – 5 p.m.
For more information you may also call the Regional Cardiac Care Coordinator at: 705-728-9802 ext. 46123
705-728-9802 ext. 46501
Manager: Julie Matthews
Phone: 705-728-9090 ext. 47650
For more information you may call the Pacemaker Coordinator at 705-728-9802 ext. 46118.
If you are unable to attend your pacemaker implant procedure please contact the Pacemaker Coordinator.
Please leave a message in the case you are unable to reach the Pacemaker Coordinator and we will follow-up with you.
Service Information: Angiogram
An angiogram is typically an hour long procedure done through the arm or groin, showing x-ray images of blood vessels that feed your heart muscle with blood. Angiograms are used to show us any blockages in blood flow.
A message from your care team
We want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you have a scheduled angiogram, expect to spend the day with us. For more information, continuing reading below to help you prepare for the day of your procedure and after procedure recovery.
Preparing for your Angiogram
RVH’s Regional Cardiac Care Coordinator will call you prior to your procedure to review your care plan, this will include:
- Your health history
- Your medications
- The day and time of your appointment
- Address any questions, needs or concerns you might have the day of
Day of your Procedure
On the day of your procedure arrange to have a responsible person like, a family member, friend or caregiver to accompany you to and from your procedure and spend 24 hours with you after your procedure. If no responsible friend for ride or to stay with for 24 hours procedure will be cancelled. You will not be able to drive after your procedure – please arrange to have transportation home.
1: Drop-off and parking
Parking information and SMRHP directions for patients
On the day of your procedure we recommend that you are dropped off at RVH’s Atrium entrance, before your family, friend, or caregiver parks in the Main Visitor parking lot. Take the Georgian (purple) elevators to level 4 – located near PureHealth Pharmacy. Once you are on level 4, the SMRHP is located directly outside the Georgian elevator doors.
Parking information and SMRHP directions for family, friends or caregivers
Park in RVH’s Main Visitor parking lot once you have dropped the patient off at RVH’s Atrium entrance. Enter RVH’s Main entrance and follow the blue navigation line to the Main (blue) elevators. Take the Main (blue) elevators to level 4 and follow direction signage to SMRHP.
2: Registration
Registration will take approximately 5-10 minutes where you will complete a patient questionnaire and be given a patient gown and identification bracelet. You will be directed to the patient change room and asked to use the patient lockers to store your belongings on the unit. You can have one family member accompany you to the recovery bay where you will meet your nurse and Interventional Cardiologist.
Make sure to bring with you:
- Your Ontario Health Card (OHIP)
- Any medications you are taking in their original packaging or a current detailed list of medications
- A list of all your allergies
- A responsible person who can either drop you off and come back to pick you up, or they can wait for you in the unit’s designated family waiting area. Please note, you will stay with us for 4-6 hours after the procedure for recovery.
* Before you arrive, please leave any valuables – like jewelry – at home.
3: During Your Angiogram
Pre-procedure meeting with your physician and nurse
Your physician and nurse will meet with you before your Angiogram in the recovery bay, they will:
- Review your our health history and medications
- Take your vitals such as blood pressure, pulse and assess your breathing
- A catheter will be inserted into your arm or groin where a dye will be inserted and so that you can receive medications during your procedure
During your angiogram
Typically an angiogram will take 20-30 minutes. You will be brought into RVH’s Cardiac Intervention Unit. Depending on your procedure (radial or femoral) dye will be inserted through an intravenous line inserted in your arm or groin. When the dye is injected you may have a brief sensation of flushing or warmth.
4: After Angiogram Recovery
When the angiogram is over, the catheter is removed from your arm or groin and the incision is closed with manual pressure, a clamp or a small plug. After the procedure we will take you to the recovery bay where:
- You will be monitored for 2-4 hours.
- Your puncture site is likely to remain tender, feel slightly bruised and have a small bump
- You may experience a feeling of pressure on your puncture site. This is normal
- If you had a catheter inserted into your groin, you will also be asked to lay flat on your back – do your best to not bend your legs, arms, neck and head
- We will encourage you to drink plenty of fluids to help flush the dye from your body
- You will be given a light snack to eat
At this time your family will have the opportunity to visit with you. They can bring your belongings so that you can change in the Recovery Bay when it is time to go home. Your physician will visit with you and discuss and to the results to answer any questions you have and to clear you for discharge.
The results from your angiogram will be sent to your referring physician.
5: Getting home
Please ensure that you have a responsible person with you for 24 hours after your procedure. You will not be able to drive after your procedure – please arrange to have transportation home.
Your responsible person will participate as you are being discharged to receive recovery instructions. When you are discharged your responsible person can get your mode of transportation and meet you at the Atrium (orange) entrance. An RVH volunteer will take you by wheelchair to the Atrium entrance to meet them.
Recovery at home after your Angiogram
Depending on the site of your angiogram your recovery will take 2 days to 1 week. If your wrist was used do not use that arm for 24 hours after your procedure. During this time please avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting and refrain from soaking in water – this includes bathing, swimming and even doing the dishes!
For questions are concerns contact the Cardiac Care Coordinator at 705-728-9090 ext. 46123
Once you are at home, keep an eye on your catheter site and call your doctor’s office if you:
- Notice bleeding, new bruising or swelling, increasing pain or discomfort at the catheter site
- Develop chest pain or shortness of breath
- Have any signs of infection, such as redness, drainage or fever
- Notice a change in temperature or colour of the leg or arm that was used for the procedure
- Notice any weakness or numbness in the leg or arm where the catheter was inserted
Service Information: Pacemaker Implant
An implantable cardiac pacemaker is an electronic device that is used to initiate the heartbeat when the heart’s “natural pacemaker” does not work properly.
Advances in technology over the past decade have led to much smaller devices with longer battery life and numerous programmable options for diagnosing and treatment.
The implantable pacemaker generally consists of 2-3 main parts. A pulse generator which is designed to generate an electrical current, and a pacing lead system (also known as wires) which conducts the painless electrical current from the pulse generator to the area of the heart that requires stimulation.
For further information, please refer to the Pacemaker Information Booklet
Preparing for your Pacemaker Implant or Pacemaker Pack Change
RVH’s Pacemaker Coordinator will call you prior to your procedure to review your care plan, this will include:
- Your health history
- Your medications
- The day and time of your appointment
- Address any questions, needs or concerns you might have the day of
Day of your procedure
On the day of your procedure please arrange to have a responsible person like, a family member, friend or caregiver to accompany you to and from your procedure and spend 24 hours with you after your procedure. If you do not have a responsible friend to give you a ride or to stay with for you for 24 hours, your procedure will be cancelled. You will not be able to drive after your procedure – please arrange to have transportation home.
1: Drop-off and parking
Parking information and SMRHP directions for patients
On the day of your procedure we recommend that you are dropped off at RVH’s Simcoe entrance, before your family, friend, or caregiver parks in the Main Visitor parking lot. Take the Georgian (purple) elevators to level 4 – located to your left once inside the Georgian entrance. Once you are on level 4, the SMRHP is located directly outside the Georgian elevator doors.
Parking information and SMRHP directions for family, friends or caregivers
Park in RVH’s Main Visitor parking lot once you have dropped the patient off at RVH’s Simcoe entrance. Enter RVH’s Main entrance and follow the blue navigation line to the Main (blue) elevators. Take the Main (blue) elevators to level 4 and follow direction signage to SMRHP.
2: Registration
Registration will take approximately 5-10 minutes where you will complete a patient questionnaire and be given a patient gown and identification bracelet. You will be directed to the patient change room and asked to use the patient lockers to store your belongings on the unit. You can have one family member accompany you to the recovery bay where you will meet your nurse and cardiologist.
Make sure to bring with you:
- Your Ontario Health Card (OHIP).
- Any medications you are taking in their original packaging.
- A list of all your allergies.
- Your responsible person who will wait for you in the unit’s designated family waiting area
Before you arrive, please leave any valuables – like jewelry – at home.
3: Getting Home
Please ensure that you have a responsible person with you for 24 hours after your procedure. You will not be able to drive after your procedure – please arrange to have transportation home. Your responsible person will participate as you are being discharged to receive recovery instructions. When you are discharged your responsible person can get your mode of transportation and meet you at the Simcoe entrance. An RVH volunteer will take you by wheelchair to the Simcoe entrance to meet them.
Once you are at home, keep an eye on your surgical site and call your doctor’s office if you:
- Notice bleeding, new bruising or swelling, increasing pain or discomfort at the site
- Develop chest pain or shortness of breath
- Have any signs of infection, such as redness, drainage or fever
RVH Cath Referral
Pacemaker Implant or Pack Change Referral Form
Step-by-step Directions (Main entrance)
Street: Gallie Court
Travelling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and TURN RIGHT onto the third entrance at Gallie Court. After the stop sign, proceed FORWARD and TURN RIGHT into RVH’s Main road entrance.
- You will see Rotary Place
Parking: Main
Proceed FORWARD through RVH’s Main road entrance. RVH’s Main Parking lot can be found ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will see Rotary Place on your right followed by parking gates
Entrance: Main
Enter RVH’s Main building entrance and FOLLOW the Blue Navigation Line to the Main (blue) elevators.
- You will pass Café Royale on your right
Elevator: Main (Blue)
Take the Main (Blue) elevators to LEVEL 4.
Department: Cardiac Intervention Unit
From the elevator TURN RIGHT and continue along the hallway. TURN RIGHT at the end of the hallway, CIU is ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will see RVH’s roof
- You will pass an elevator bank
Step-by-step Directions (Atrium entrance)
Street: 201 Georgian drive
Travelling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and enter RVH through the first road entrance.
- You will see an electronic sign and helipad.
Patient Drop-off: Atrium entrance
TURN LEFT at the stop sign, then TURN RIGHT into the Atrium building entrance roundabout.
- You will see three flag poles at this entrance
Parking: Volunteer and Patient parking
From the Atrium entrance TURN LEFT at the stop sign. Parking is located STRAIGHT AHEAD.
Entrance: Atrium entrance
Enter Atrium building entrance and TURN LEFT down the first hallway. At the end of the hallway TURN LEFT towards PureHealth Pharmacy. The Georgian (Purple) elevators are STRAIGHT AHEAD ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will pass washrooms and see PureHealth Pharmacy signage
Elevator: Georgian (Purple)
Take the Georgian (Purple) elevators to LEVEL 4.
Department: Cardiac Intervention Unit
From the elevator TURN RIGHT and continue down the hallway, CIU is ON YOUR LEFT.