General Information
BOOKINGS: 705-739-5610 – this is the best number to call for questions about your appointment (date, time, rescheduling, preparations, etc.); you will get the fastest response from our very helpful clerical team at this number.
Breast Imaging Inquiries: 705-739-5610 Press 3
Phones are answered for appointment inquiries from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Step-by-step directions
Street: Gallie Court
Travelling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and TURN RIGHT into the third entrance at Gallie Court. After the stop sign, proceed FORWARD and TURN RIGHT into RVH’s Main road entrance.
- You will see Rotary Place and RVH entrance signage
Parking: Main
Proceed FORWARD through RVH’s Main road entrance. RVH’s Main parking lot can be found ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will see Rotary Place on your right followed by parking gates
Entrance: Main
Enter RVH’s Main building entrance and FOLLOW the Blue Navigation Line to the Main (Blue) elevators.
- You will pass Café Royale on your right
Department: Medical Imaging
Passing the Main (Blue) elevators, the Medical Imaging department is ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will see the Medical Imaging registration desk
- Note: You have gone too far if you leave RVH’s Main Lobby
Between the hours of 9:00 pm and 06:00 am, the Main Entrance doors are locked. If you are scheduled for an appointment during these hours, you need to use the Atrium Entrance to get to the Medical Imaging department. Do not attempt to reach Medical Imaging by going through the Emergency Department.
- There is a phone just inside the Atrium Entrance that will connect you directly to our Security team to open the door for you
- Once inside, you should follow the signs to the department
- These signs will take you past Central Registration to connect with the blue line
- You will follow the blue line around to the main lobby
- Turn left into Medical Imaging and go to the Imaging Registration desk
- Note: You have gone too far if you reach the blue elevators in the main lobby