Contact Us
Manager: Lauren Frith, Inpatient Mental Health, Emergency Department Mental Health Suite
Hours of Operation
9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday
The Clinic Provides
- Support to individuals with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders
- Medication administration, monitoring and adjustment for clients
- Instruction and education regarding indications and contraindications of psycotrophic medications
- Mental Health education, teaching and health promotion with an emphasis on wellness and recovery
- Instruction regarding the recognition of symptoms associated with mental health disorders
- Ready access to consultation and support by RVH pharmacy and psychiatric staff
- Collaboration with community partners to ensure continuity of care to clients
Step-by-step directions to: Adult Mental Health Day Program
Mental Health Day Program: From the Main Entrance follow the Blue Navigation Line to the Central (Green) Elevators to level 3. Turn left out of the elevator to the unit.
Mental Health Outpatient Services: From the Main Entrance follow the Blue Navigation Line to the Atrium (Orange) Elevators to level 3. Turn left out of the elevator then your first left down the hall to the unit.
Street: Gallie Court
Travelling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and TURN RIGHT onto the third entrance at Gallie Court. After the stop sign, proceed FORWARD and TURN RIGHT into RVH’s Main road entrance.
Parking: Main
Proceed FORWARD through RVH’s Main road entrance. RVH’s Main Parking lot can be found ON YOUR RIGHT.
Entrance: Main
Enter RVH’s Main building entrance and FOLLOW the Blue Navigation Line to the Atrium (Orange) elevators.
N You will pass Café Royale on your right
Elevator: Atrium (Orange)
Take the Atrium (Orange) elevators to LEVEL 3.
Department: Child & Youth Mental Health Inpatient and Day Program
From the elevator TURN LEFT walking through the double doors.
At the end of the hallway TURN LEFT. Proceed FORWARD, Child & Youth Mental Health Inpatient and Day Program is located at the END OF THE HALLWAY.