705-728-9090 Ext. 47210
All appointments require referral from your physician or community partner
Operation Hours
Groups are scheduled Monday – Friday
9.00 a.m. – 3.15 p.m
Manager: Lauren Frith, Inpatient Mental Health, ED Mental Health Suite, Crisis Services, Medication Clinic, Outpatient Services
Manager: Brian Irving, Addiction Services, Rapid Access Addiction Medicine, Adult Day Program, Community Treatment Order
The Mental Health and Addiction Day Program serves as a step down level of care for those being discharged from inpatient mental health and as a less restrictive alternative to inpatient admission for individuals presenting to the Emergency Department or referred by the community. The Day Program includes intensive group therapy for up to 6 weeks Monday to Friday, brief transitional case management, mindfulness meditation, and individual and family counselling and support as required. Services are provided by an inter-professional treatment team and therapy is based on a solution focused short term model of care.
Clients actively participate in goal setting, treatment and discharge planning, Clients transition from the Mental Health and Addiction Day Program to Primary Care and other community services, as appropriate to continue their recovery.
- Assists the client to establish their Treatment and Recovery Plan
- Support the client with their discharge planning
- Provides time limited individual counselling as required
- Provides family/social support counselling as requested
- Symptomatology consistent with an acute major psychiatric disorder
- Negative consequences due to substance use problems
- Hospitalization due to mental health concerns within the last 12 months
- A concurrent disorder (mental health and substance use problem)
- Acute mental health distress but not requiring the inpatient unit
Referral Process:
Physician and Nurse Practitioner referrals are required. Community referrals will be considered where the individual does not have a primary healthcare provider.
Fax completed referral form to 705-739-5631.
For more information contact us at: 705-728-9090 ext. 47210.
Mental Health Day Program: From the Main Entrance follow the Blue Navigation Line to the Central (Green) Elevators to level 3. Turn left out of the elevator to the unit.
Mental Health Outpatient Services: From the Main Entrance follow the Blue Navigation Line to the Atrium (Orange) Elevators to level 3. Turn left out of the elevator then your first left down the hall to the unit.
Street: Gallie Court
Travelling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and TURN RIGHT onto the third entrance at Gallie Court. After the stop sign, proceed FORWARD and TURN RIGHT into RVH’s Main road entrance.
Parking: Main
Proceed FORWARD through RVH’s Main road entrance. RVH’s Main Parking lot can be found ON YOUR RIGHT.
Entrance: Main
Enter RVH’s Main building entrance and FOLLOW the Blue Navigation Line to the Atrium (Orange) elevators.
N You will pass Café Royale on your right
Elevator: Atrium (Orange)
Take the Atrium (Orange) elevators to LEVEL 3.
Department: Child & Youth Mental Health Inpatient and Day Program
From the elevator TURN LEFT walking through the double doors.
At the end of the hallway TURN LEFT. Proceed FORWARD, Child & Youth Mental Health Inpatient and Day Program is located at the END OF THE HALLWAY.