Effective January 23: Masking required in all clinical care areas, including patient rooms, unit hallways and waiting areas.

RVH is committed to advancing learning opportunities that support organizational performance and enhance patient care. Accelerating Teaching & Research is a strategic priority that has been supported by a robust Clinical Education Plan, which focuses on learning collaboratively, advancing academic practice, improving quality through education, and community and patient engagement. At the heart of clinical education is the belief that excellent education leads to excellent patient care and patient outcomes. 

RVH has partnered with several academic institutions to provide the highest standard in teaching and training. Students from the University of Toronto, Georgian College, York University, and other post-secondary institutions work in collaboration with RVH as an important teaching environment for health care disciplines such as Registered Nurses (RN), Registered Practical Nurses (RPN), Medical Clerks, Residents, Fellows, Midwifery, Paramedic, Social Worker, Radiation Therapy, Pharmacy Technician, Imaging Technologist, Dietician, Spiritual Care, Administration and Human Resources learners.

How To Apply

All medical students, residents, and any learners coming for an on-site rotation must fill out an application with ROMP (Royal Ontario Medical Program) Please ensure you receive an acceptance prior to making any arrangements to come on site. Please visit the ROMP website for all information and application forms here: Helping Medical Students & Residents | Rural Ontario Medical Program (romponline.com)