Effective January 23: Masking required in all clinical care areas, including patient rooms, unit hallways and waiting areas.

The Ministry of Health tracks and reports how long patients wait for three areas of care:

Wait times are influenced by a variety of factors, including the availability of health professionals, demand for services, the age and relative health of a community, complexity of the procedure, and of course, the funding available.

How understanding the wait process helps you

Patients are put on a wait list when the number of people who need treatment is greater than the number of appointments, doctors or equipment available to provide that treatment.

Understanding how wait times work in Ontario can help you in 3 key ways:

  1. Control. Estimating when the service you need will happen means you don’t have to put your life on hold.
  2. Awareness. Seeing how the wait time at your hospital compares to other Ontario hospitals means you can have a better-informed conversation with your family doctor about your options.
  3. Peace of mind. Understanding why you may need to wait can help put you at ease because your wait time will be appropriate for your condition.