Effective January 23: Masking required in all clinical care areas, including patient rooms, unit hallways and waiting areas.

If you are currently experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 to speak with Emergency Medical Services about having an ambulance sent to you.


RVH’s Emergency department (ED) is a place where patients receive medical care for injuries and illnesses. If you do not need to be in the ED for those reasons please do not walk through the department to get to another area of the health centre.  All patients coming to ED will be pre-screened for COVID-19 symptoms and a medical professional will determine who needs to be tested for COVID-19. For your own safety, if you have mild symptoms – even if you have travelled recently – and you do not require immediate hospital care, you do not need to come to the ED. If you are unwell, you should self-isolate at home and call Telehealth for further instructions. This is for your safety, and the safety of our patients.

  • Health Card (OHIP Card)
  • Photo ID that includes your current address
  • Your current phone number, if you have one
  • List of your allergies and any medications that you are on
  • Next of kin (if possible, have a family member or next of kin with you at your visit for support)
  • Parents: When bringing your child to the ED, if possible please bring enough snacks, drinks, bottles, diapers, your child’s favourite toy, and activities for your child as they may be here for some time depending on their condition and course of treatment.

When accompanying an elderly patient or meeting them at RVH, please ensure you bring warm clothes, coat and shoes for them as often times patients arrive by ambulance and don’t have the necessities to go home after discharge.

The Emergency department may appear quiet in the waiting room, but it may be very busy in the area where patients are being treated. We do our best to care for you as quickly as possible. Your co-operation helps us provide more timely care.

The Emergency department does not operate on a first come, first serve basis. All patients are seen by a triage nurse and assigned a triage level based on the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS). Patients are seen in the order of their triage level, not based on time of arrival. This triage approach allows us to give priority to those patients whose ailments are most severe and acute.

You may experience a wait time during your Emergency department visit. Please be patient. Your health and safety are very important to us.

If your condition changes or worsens, please tell a nurse (at Triage, in the Waiting Room or your Primary Nurse.)

You may require diagnostic images (CT scan, x-ray, MRI, ultrasound), blood tests or other services as part of your treatment. There may be a wait for these services.

You may be required to see a specialist doctor in addition to the emergency doctor. Please note that you may need to wait for these services.

The nurse at the triage desk will ask you about your health problem and your medical history. The nurse will then assess the urgency of your condition and assign you a priority level that will assist in determining the order in which you will be seen. This triage score is derived from a standardized, evidence-based approach that is uniform across the province, and most of Canada. The nature of emergency care means that patients cannot be seen on a first come, first served basis, but rather according to the severity of their illness relative to other patients in the Emergency department.

Following assessment by the triage nurse a chart will be made for you at the registration desk. You may be asked to wait in the waiting room until an examination room is available. If your condition changes while you are waiting, please tell the nurse at the triage desk. When an examination room becomes available, a primary nurse will ask you more detailed questions about your health condition. The primary nurse and an emergency physician will examine you and assess your condition.

Your doctor will write a set of orders to tell the staff what the reason and plan for your admission is. This will include any tests or treatments to be undertaken while at RVH.

A staff member will inquire about your preferred type of accommodation if there is an option available. You may be asked about any supplemental insurance that you have (for semi private or private room etc). Private or semi-private rooms cannot be guaranteed, even if you have coverage.

You will be moved to your assigned room as soon as possible. If the health centre is full, there may be delay in leaving the ED and receiving an inpatient bed.

Patients who require admission to the hospital may be required to stay in the ED until a bed becomes available.

You will be asked to limit visitors to one at a time in the ED. This helps to ensure the ED staff have enough space to perform their duties quickly and maintain privacy for all patients.

If you or a family member has a question or concern about the care you are receiving, please speak to a healthcare professional during your stay. Your opinions are important to us and we want to give you the best possible care.

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To support you, RVHs Emergency department team consists of:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Clerical / support staff
  • Crisis / social workers
  • Volunteers
  • Other health professionals

During your visit, you may also see students/residents who are completing a crucial part of their education, gaining real-life experience with real patients. They are always closely supervised according to their level of experience.

If you would like to speak with a Registered Nurse regarding a possible emergency, please contact
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000
Mental Health: 1-866-531-2600
Poison Control: 1-800-268-9017

If you feel that you need to follow up with a concern following a visit, please contact
The Patient Representative Office: 705-728-9090 Ext. 44510

Click here for more information on the North Simcoe Muskoka Healthline

Click here for more information on the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit

Click here for more information on the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care