Our healthcare team consists of physicians, registered nurses, registered practical nurses, patient care assistants, dietitians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, a discharge planner, social worker, a respiratory therapist, a speech-language pathologist, a chaplain, unit clerks, and volunteers. Each member has a specific role to play to ensure seamless integration of care and together, they strive to provide exceptional care to each patient and family.
Contact Us
Phone: 705-728-9090 Ext. 48220
Manager: Dawn Mattinson
Phone: 705-728-9090 Ext. 48215
Email: mattinsond@rvh.on.ca
The Canadian Lung Association
Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation
Smokers' Helpline
211 United Way Centraide Canada
Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP)
Home and Community Care NSM LHIN
RVH Withdrawal Management Services
Call 705-728-4226
Drug and Alcohol Line
Call 1-800-565-8603
Ontario Lung Association
Alzheimer Society Simcoe County
North Simcoe Muskoka Behavioral Support System (BSS) Mobile Support Team
Silver Cross Newmarket/Barrie – Ramp/Stair Construction
Simcoe Community Services
Step-by-step Directions
Street: Gallie Court
Traveling on Georgian Drive you will pass Georgian College and TURN RIGHT into the third entrance at Gallie Court. After the stop sign, proceed FORWARD and TURN RIGHT into RVH’s Main road entrance.
- You will see Rotary Place on your right
Parking: Main
Proceed FORWARD through RVH’s Main road entrance. RVH’s Main Parking lot can be found ON YOUR RIGHT.
- You will see Rotary Place followed by parking gates
Entrance: Main
Enter RVH’s Main building entrance and FOLLOW the Blue Navigation Line to the Main (blue) elevators.
- You will pass Café Royale on your right
Elevator: Main (Blue)
Take the Main (Blue) elevators to LEVEL 3.
Department: Respiratory Inpatient
From the elevator TURN RIGHT and continue along the hallway. TURN RIGHT at the end of the hallway and proceed FORWARD to Respiratory Inpatient.
- You will see RVH’s roof
- You will pass an elevator bank