RVH is unwavering in its commitment to put patients and families first through our MY CARE philosophy, ensuring they are partners in their care and providing the most positive patient experience. Always and without exception. That means ensuring they are partners in their care throughout every step of their healthcare journey; informed and engaged in planning and decision-making.
We believe engagement is about giving stakeholders who may be impacted by a decision or action the opportunity to participate in the process, and help shape decisions before they are made. Real community engagement requires listening and learning, as well as informing and educating. Only through genuine two-way dialogue can RVH make better decisions that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
We use the Communication and Community Engagement Strategy to bring the voices and perspectives of diverse stakeholders to our decision-making and to help guide our conversations with the people we serve.
We want to hear from you
We want to know more about your experiences, and your thoughts on how we can improve the patient and family experience.
Your voice matters! From time to time we will post surveys on this page as a way to get your opinion and continue our conversation with you.
Have a question or comment about our patient engagement initiative? Please email us at: royalvictoriaregionalhealthcentre@rvh.on.ca