Téléphone : 705 728-9090, poste 43333
Emplacement : 201, promenade Georgian, L4M 6M2
Niveau 2, entrée principale
Heures d’ouverture :
Du lundi au vendredi, de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30
Les portes sont ouvertes de 7 h 30 à 17 h
Numérosde téléphone
Votre équipe de soins de santé
Rendez-vous virtuel avec votre médecin – télémédecine
Intervenante-pivotpour les patients autochtones
Rendez-vous virtuel avec votre médecin – télémédecine
Votre premier rendez-vous
Après le traitement et la survie
Soins palliatifs et de fin de vie
Soutien au patient et à la famille
Nouveaux patients Form
Diagnostic Assessment Referrals
Santé sexuelle, intimité et demande de services de cancérologie
Programmes de dépistage du cancer
Ressources professionnelles
Contact Us:
705-728-9090 Ext. 43333
The phones are answered from 8 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday.
Multidisciplinary Cancer Conference
Multidisciplinary Cancer Conferences are regularly scheduled meetings where healthcare providers discuss the diagnosis and treatment of individual cancer patients. Participants represent medical oncology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, pathology, diagnostic radiology and nursing. Other healthcare providers involved in a patient’s care – such as dieticians, rehabilitation specialists and pharmacists – may also attend.
Some hospitals and health professionals call these conferences “tumour boards.”
For more information, please visit the Cancer Care Ontario page on Multidisciplinary Cancer Conferences.
Safe Handling of Cytotoxic Agents Training Module
- For healthcare professions who work with cytotoxic agents.
Cancer Care Ontario Palliative Care Tools
- For more information on tools for physicians including palliative tools, Evidence-Based Guidelines, Multi-disciplinary cancer conference tools, Symptom management tools and more,click the tab marked “CCO Toolbox”.
Cancer Care Ontario Resources for
Primary Care Providers
- Information about screening, when to refer, Diagnostic Assessment Programs, symptom management and palliative care.
- Symptom Management Tools are clinical tools designed to assist health care providers with the assessment and management of a patient’s cancer related symptoms. These tools represent current evidence and best practice.
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research – Cancer Trials
- Search for current, recruiting clinical trials in Ontario.
U of T Oncology Continuing Education
- Information and dates for University of Toronto Continuing Education Oncology Rounds.
North Simcoe Muskoka Palliative Care Network – resources for HCPs
- Advanced care planning, pain and symptom management, and guidelines for health care professionals.