Effective October 29: Masking required while in patient rooms and treatment areas when interacting with Team RVH, patients and visitors.

For Immediate Support

Dial “0” on any RVH phone to contact Locating and ask for spiritual care.

Email: Rob Henderson hendersonr@rvh.on.ca 
Phone: 705-728-9090 Ext. 42438

201 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON L4N 6M2
Level 1 – From the Atrium (Orange) elevators turns left. Spiritual care is located across from the Fracture Clinic.

Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

After Hours: Dial ‘0” for Locating and ask for on-call spiritual care

• Supportive conversations offering emotional and spiritual support

• Opportunities for prayer, meditation, or religious ritual (including communion, smudging)

• Access to spiritual resources (i.e. bibles, rosaries, prayer shawls, cedar)

• Opportunity for spiritual reflection in a group setting:

• Nurturing Your Spirit group each week on the inpatient Mental Health unit

• Worship Service each week on the Specialized Seniors Care Inpatient unit and Transitional Care unit

• Opportunities to debrief following critical incidents

• Annual service of remembrance for staff, physicians and volunteers

• Faith Leader Orientations for offering spiritual care at RVH

• Education and training in spiritual care (including Clinical Psycho-Spiritual Education)

If you are looking for a quiet space to pray, reflect or meditate, the Spiritual Care Centre is always open.
Located on the lower level of RVH off the Food Court.

Spirituality is that part in each of us that seeks to find meaning and purpose in our lives. Spiritual Care connects us with the things that matter deeply; that which strengthens us, helps us cope, gives us hope.

You don’t have to be religious to benefit from spiritual care. We strive to support all types of spiritual expression; connection to one another, with the Divine, or nature; religious practice and rituals; music, literature and art. (1)

Our spiritual care professionals will help you express your feelings and concerns in a way that honours your values and beliefs.

Clinical Psycho-Spiritual Education (CPE) is an experiential learning course designed to teach the theory and practice of spiritual caregiving. Learning occurs in a small group setting with a qualified supervisor. This dynamic and integrative education model is offered twice a year (a full-time intensive in the spring and an extended course in the fall and winter). It is designed for both those pursuing a career in spiritual care and for healthcare professionals committed to the spiritual aspect of health.

Learn more about RVH’s Spiritual Care

For more information: biggsd@rvh.on.ca

(1)Adapted from the Spiritual Care Department of University Health Network